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Phone wars II: Android vs. BlackBerry vs. iPhone

August 11, 2011 04:44 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

The mobile phone market grew 11.3 percent year over year in the second quarter of 2011, according to data gathered by International Data Corp. Vendors shipped 365.4 million units in the second quarter of this year, compared with 328.4 million units in the same quarter in 2010, a recent report shows.

While Apple has done an amazing job at capturing people's minds in the few markets they participate in and partially dominate, in the smartphone world Android has come out on top throughout 2011 with most impressive usage figures.

I collected some funny comics about phone wars:

Comic: iPhone's cool with Android being number 1

Comic: iPhone's cool with Android being number 1.

Comic: iPhone's cool with Android being number 1. Credit:

Phone Wars - Smart Phones in Light Saber Battle

A number of smart phones do battle against each other - using their apps to create light sabers, amongst other weapons This very cool animation was created by Cyrus Mir in his spare time. It took a few months but, yes, you read correctly - his spare time. Amazing.

Photo: Smart Phones in Light Saber Battle

Photo: Smart Phones in Light Saber Battle. Credit:

Comic: Phone wars

Phone wars

Comic: Phone wars. Credit:

No, You're Stupid: How different smartphone users view themselves and others

How smartphone users see each other, Android vs. BlackBerry vs. iPhone:

Comic: How different smartphone users view themselves and others, Android vs. BlackBerry vs. iPhone

Comic: How different smartphone users view themselves and others. Credit:

Mobile phone wars turn Gothic

Nice work contrasting the charmingly cartoonish logo outlines with the blood stains and smears.

Photo: Mobile phone wars turn Gothic.

Comic: Mobile phone wars turn Gothic. Credit:

Comic: Google vs Apple

Apple Vs. Google: Who's going to win the great mobile-phone war?

Comic: Apple Vs. Google: Who's going to win the great mobile-phone war?

Comic: Apple Vs. Google. Credit:

Wallpaper: The Phone Wars

Nothing much needs to be said, but why does the apple get 4 light sabers? I read a funny joke that said not to worry as it could only use one of them at a time. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply today.

Wallpaper: The Phone Wars

Wallpaper: The Phone Wars. Credit:

Other resources about phone wars

If you have more funny pictures about phone wars, don't forget to share. My email: .

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