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How do I add Wikipedia search engine to Google Chrome

September 13, 2008 18:07 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

You can manually add or edit search engines on Google Chrome. To Add Wikipedia search engine to Google Chrome, please do following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu, then then select Option

Google Chrome Tools Menu

  1. Click the Basics tab
  2. Click the Manage button in the Default search section. The Search Engines dialog box opens.

Google Chrome Options: Search Engines

You can also right-click the web address area on the address box and select Edit search engines to open the Search Engines dialog box.

Add Wikipedia to Google Chrome

To add a new search engine, click the Add button on Search Engines dialog box.

Provide the following information:

  • Name: Nickname for the search engine.
  • Keyword: This field is optional. Fill out this field if you want to create a text shortcut for the search engine.
  • URL: Type the URL for the search engine into this field, insert %s in the URL where the search terms should appear.

Google Chrome Options: Add Wikipedia to Search Engines

To add wikipedia search engine to google chrome, you can directly copy/paste them to add your Google Chrome:

  • Name - Wikipedia
  • Keyword - wiki
  • URL -

Choose Wikipedia search engine as default search engine

  1. Click the Tools menu, then then select Option
  2. Click the Basics tab.
  3. Select the wikipedia from the Default search drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Close button.

#1  posted on February 16, 2011 23:14 PST
great post.

#2  posted on February 29, 2012 20:07 PST
Thank you for this. Chrome used to have this by default I think, unless I deleted it accidentally. Thank you for explaining how to add this search engine. Saves me the extra step!

#3  posted on April 02, 2012 02:52 PDT
Thank you!

#4  posted on March 29, 2016 09:36 PDT
Highly suspicious:

In the following paragraph above:

To add wikipedia search engine to google chrome, you can directly copy/paste them to add your Google Chrome:

Name - Wikipedia

Keyword - wiki


... copying the web address from the last paragraph "URL" actually gives not the URL the text says, but this:


I.e. thee is a "hash" whatever added at the end. Anyone care to explain what that is about ?


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