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Chrome OS vs. Android: the three main differences

June 01, 2011 06:39 PDT

Not so long ago, Google released a laptop with the first version of the Chrome operating system. We all know that Google was already having a huge success with Android. What puzzles many of us is did Google really need two operating systems.

To understand what Google is up to with the release of this new operating system, we need to understand that Chrome OS and Android both are Linux based operating systems. Linux operating systems such as GNOME or KDE desktops and their applications utilize the common Linux desktop application programming interfaces (API) but, these are not used by either of Google's OS.

Both of these OS make themselves secure using a common set of techniques which makes them similar in this aspect. Sand-boxing is the most important process out of them all.

In spite of these subtle similarities, Google's OS look and act in totally different ways. Here are the three main differences between Chrome OS and Android:

Chrome OS vs Android

1. Chrome OS is for Netbooks; Android is for Phones & Tablets

Prior to the release of the Chrome OS, Google already announced that the browser was meant for people who spent a majority of their time on the internet. Thus, the OS was designed for small netbooks(Chromebook) and full sized desktop systems as a powerful operating system for them.

Thus, the major difference between the two is that Google is a desktop OS, while Android is meant for smartphones and tablets. The Chrome OS interface is quite similar as that of the Chrome Web Browser, while the Android Interface was designed mainly for touch.

2. Linux desktop or Android Apps cannot be run on Chrome OS

Most Windows OS, or even a Linux OS like Mint, are all traditional FAT-client desktops, but that is not the case with Chrome OS. All of the applications on Chrome OS are in fact cloud based. While Web based applications will conveniently be supported by this OS, to run traditional desktop applications, most probably a remote client computing technology would have to be used. As for the Android Java based applications, there is again no chance of running them on Chrome OS.

3. Chrome OS Constantly Updated

Those who are familiar with the Chrome Browser, the case of constant improvements and patches will be similar with the Chrome OS as well. Whether for better or for worse, Chrome OS will be constantly updated rather than having features added in further service packs. Luckily, users would not have to wait for different versions as in Android.

Other resources about Chrome OS and Android

Posted by Andrew.

#1  posted on June 08, 2011 04:55 PDT
Yeah, You certainly deserve a round of applause for your post and more specifically, your blog in general. Very high quality material

#2  posted on June 21, 2011 10:39 PDT
this is so annoying! I like widgets! and android apps would make such great widgets just imagine an OS integrated for widgets!!

#3  posted on November 29, 2012 22:11 PST
Whatever be the deal, I would like to try chrome OS. If it is by google, its worth a shot. It is google who has given Android, best OS of the generation, as per my experience ofcourse. Even if iOS is good, not everyone can afford it and this is why it may lose the battle against Google. Whatever be the deal, my last word for Chrome OS would be to give a shot.

Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

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