1. The geek theory of everything
The Geek side of theory of everything.
This image shows how people used 2 products to create a brand new internet venture :D
like Pokemon+simon=Google Chrome
Credit: whitec0de.com
2. So that's what!
Credit: lifesacomicstrip.blogspot.com
3. New Google Chrome haircut style
Look at this true Google Chrome user. He just fall in love with Google Chrome and adopt Chrome hairstyle… :D
Credit: funvblog.com
4. Browsers
Credit: shoze.blogspot.com
5. Google vs Apple vs Adobe (PICS) battle of the titanss
Apple mobile device doesn't need flash. Google supports flash. Google has Chrome and will soon release their own operating system to compete with macOS and Windows. What's next?
Credit: cartoonous.com
Funny pictures of Google Chrome