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How to block ads in Google Chrome

May 11, 2011 03:52 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

The web has taken its next step in advertising and whether it is for monetizing the content or to display some sort of information to users almost all websites and blogs are having ads on them. These can be very annoying and troubling to you, mainly when you are on a low bandwidth or speed and want to have faster and clean browsing experience.

Block Ads in Google ChromeIn this article, you will find detailed instructions for installing AdSweep and AdBlock extensions for Google Chrome and block ads in Google Chrome using them.

Block Ads in Google Chrome with AdSweep Extension

Install AdSweep for Google Chrome

  1. Go to the AdSweep Extension page of the chrome web store and click on Install.
  2. Google Chrome will download the AdSweep Extension in the background and will install it automatically.
  3. Verify that the AdSweep extension is installed in Google Chrome (Open Customize and Control Google Chrome menu, go to Tools and choose Extensions.)

Technically, AdSweep is a set of custom Javascript code(s) which defines CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) rules tailored to the webpage you're visiting by inspecting it and disable or hide some or all elements that display ads.

To know whether AdSweep is currently enabled for the webpage you are visiting, look for the AdSweep browser button in the Google Chrome's address bar. AdSweep is currently in its initial development stage and has no specific UI (User Interface) to customize preferences or to access additional options.

Block Ads in Google Chrome with AdBlock Extension

Install AdBlock for Google Chrome

  1. Go to the AdBlock Extension page of the chrome web store and click on Install.
  2. Google Chrome will download the AdBlock Extension in the background and will install it automatically.
  3. The latest release of AdBlock for Google Chrome has an in-built functionality of adding a browser button next to Customize and Control Google Chrome menu button.
  4. Click on the AdBlock button and choose options. You will be greeted with the AdBlock Options page containing separate tabs for General options, Filter lists and Customize.

Screenshot: Block Ads in Google Chrome with AdBlock Extension

Screenshot: AdBlock options

AdBlock is equipped with loads of options to choose from and to customize such as, block ads inside YouTube videos, show text ads on Google's search results, block an ad by its URL, hide a section of a webpage and manual filters.

Finally, choosing a particular extension to accomplish your objective of blocking ads in Google Chrome depends on your individual preferences, and you should always choose one that is closely tailored made to it.

Other resource about blocking ads in Google Chrome

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