Posted by Andrew.
Google Chrome by default updates itself automatically, this is very useful for regular users, you don't have to check updates manually.
However, if you don't have enough bandwidth or in an enterprise environment automatic updates will not be a good thing, you can disable automatic google chrome update and then manually update google chrome whenever you want to.
Screenshot: Launch Windows Registry Editor
If don't see the Google as key there in the left pane under Policies, then you will need to create a key named Google and then create a another key named Update under newly created key Google.
Screenshot: Locate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Policies/Google/Update
Set it to 1 to disable automatic updates. If you want to enable them, set it to 0.
Set a number of minutes; for example, 1440 for once a day, 10080 for once a week, and so on.
$ defaults write checkInterval 0
To re-enable updates in Mac OS:
$ defaults write checkInterval 1
$ defaults write checkInterval [frequency]
Where [frequency] is a number of seconds; for example, 86400 for once a day, 604800 for once a week, and so on.
Chrome updates occur via the standard package management system, so be careful when clicking Yes please to automated update notifications.
Google Chrome releases will autoupdate, but Chromium (the open source project) does not. So there is another way: you can build or install Chromium. releases.
How to disable Google Chrome automatic updates