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Video and screenshots: A quick preview of Google Chrome OS (Chromium OS)

November 22, 2009 02:48 PST

Posted by Andrew.

Google released Chromium OS open source project on Nov 19, 2009. The code of Chromium OS is free, accessible to anyone and open for contributions, it's a lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. According to Google, Chrome OS, will be about web apps, not desktop apps - in other words, the entire user experience will take place within the browser.

Chrome OS Web applications with the functionality of desktop applications

1. Enhanced functionality through HTML 5: offline modes, background processing, notifications, and more.

2. Better access points and discovery: On Chromium-based browsers, Google have addressed the access point issue by allowing applications to install shortcuts on your desktop.

3. Tab bar: While the tab bar is sufficient to access existing tabs, it's creating a new primary access point that provides a list of frequently used applications and tools.

Video: Chrome OS user interface

Below video is giving an overview of the Chrome OS user interface:

Screenshots: Chrome OS user interface

Chrome OS Screenshot: The application menu

Expanding the application menu, includes Google Search and links to other web applications such as Lala, Gmail, Calendar:

Screenshot: The application menu of Chrome OS

Chrome OS Screenshot: The Chrome Browser

Screenshot: The Chrome Browser, Chrome OS

Chrome OS Screenshot: Google docs

Screenshot: Google docs, Chrome OS

Chrome OS Screenshot: The contact and chat Window

The contact and char windows remain always on top, you can directly drag a person from contact window to current chat window

Chrome OS Screenshot: The contact and chat Window

Chrome OS screenshot: Switch windows

Chrome OS screenshot: Switch windows

Other resource about the Video, Screenshots and Chrome OS

#1  posted on January 07, 2010 22:21 PST
why you decided to create an chrome operating system?

#2  posted on January 07, 2010 22:21 PST
why you decided to create a chrome operating system?

#3  posted on March 30, 2010 09:40 PDT
I'm rather curious as to whether apps, such as magicjack will work under chrome o.s.

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