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Google Chrome for Mac is coming!

December 10, 2009 03:15 PST

Posted by Andrew.

Google Chrome is available for Mac now. If you're on a Mac I would suggest trying it out. :-) Please follow the steps below:

Install Google Chrome on Mac (beta)

Requirements: OS X 10.5 or later, Intel only.

Download Link: Google Chrome for Mac

File size: 17.6 MB

The features of Google Chrome for Mac

For more details on this beta release of Google Chrome for Mac, read on in the Google Mac blog:

73,804 lines of Mac-specific code and 29 developer builds later, we're excited to finally release Google Chrome for Mac in beta. We took a hefty dose of goodness from the Windows version to build a fast, polished browser for Mac -- with features such as the Omnibox (where you can both search and type in addresses), themes from artists, and most importantly, speed. Try downloading Google Chrome for Mac and see what you think.

We also took great care to make Google Chrome a native application for Mac. For example, we integrated the Keychain into Google Chrome for Mac, and incorporated Mac-style animations when you open the Bookmarks bar.

You can watch this video from one of Google engineers, Mike Pinkerton:

The screenshots of Google Chrome for Mac

  • Google Chrome for Mac, on the New Tab page
  • Screenshot: Google Chrome for Mac, on the New Tab page

  • Google Chrome for Mac, with an artist theme
  • Screenshot: Google Chrome for Mac, with an artist theme

Other resource about Google Chrome for Mac

#1  posted on January 20, 2010 09:33 PST
Not very useful at the moment: without the extensions, Chrome is roughly a clone of Safari. Same spirit (fast, lightweigt, ...).

However Chromium is available on Mac and more recent than Chrome.
In particular it supports extensions. That's what I use now.

#2  posted on January 22, 2010 08:52 PST
The first operating system from Google is going to released in this year. This new operating is labeled as Google Chrome. It is going to be released as a Open Source operating system. It is believed to be a Linux kind of an operating system. Designed specially for Internet Users. For latest updates on Google Chrome OS and other related information you may visit the following site which was quite helpful for me.

#3  posted on January 25, 2011 08:50 PST
Finally! I was waiting for Google Chrome for Mac whole year. I'm so happy!

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