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Welcome to Google Chrome Forum!

September 14, 2008 20:15 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

I just released the sub-site of ChromeFans - Google Chrome Forum, the URL is In this forum, Google Chrome users share questions and information with one another. Any individual with a question or comment about Google Chrome is welcome to post here. :)

  • Introduce Yourself - Please take the time to introduce yourself to the community. If you have yet to introduce yourself feel free to do this here!
  • Google Chrome Forum Feedback & News - Discuss any suggestions and or problems you have about the ChromeFans Forum in this forum! We appreciate all suggestions along with any type of feedback
  • Google Chrome News & Talk - Google Chrome technology news, views and conversation.
  • Google Chrome Hints & Tips - Discuss any hints or tips regarding Google Chrome. The community appreciates any type of suggestions.
  • Google Chrome Problems - Have A Problem with Google Chrome? Post it here and hopefully someone can help!
  • Google Chrome Themes - Discuss any Google Chrome Themes in this forum, including download, ideas or suggestions. You never know may be developed one day.
  • Google Chrome Plugins - Discuss Google Chrome plugins, add-ons, modifications, applications and more.

#1  posted on November 03, 2008 05:16 PST
What's new in youtube when you try to access it in Chrome? I mean there is a tagline in the youtube site that says "Try youtube in chrome browser"
I'm just curious...that's it

#2  posted on January 07, 2012 22:34 PST
I thank you humbly for sahinrg your wisdom JJWY

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