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XML Tree extension for Google Chrome

August 10, 2009 00:51 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

Josh Moont sent me a Chrome extension developed by him, a simple extension to view XML files in a user friendly format - with opening and closing nodes.

Download and Install XML Tree extension for Google Chrome

The extensions requires Chrome developer version. If you have installed, right click the Chrome icon in your desktop, then click Properties, click Shortcut tab, add --enable-extensions parameter in the Target field, as it is shown in the figure:

Right click the Chrome shortcut icon, and then add -enable-extensions in the Target field

Screenshot: Instructions to enable extensions for Chrome

XML Tree extension for Google Chrome is very useful for webmasters and web developers. Example: when I open without XML Tree extension, Chrome shows as below:

Google Chrome without XML Tree extension

After installing XML Tree extension, it shows as below:

Google Chrome with XML Tree extension

Thanks Josh Moont!

If you are a theme designer/extension developer and would like me to list your themes, plug-ins or extensions here on feel free to send an email to , subject with Chrome Submit. Please include a brief description and a download link, you can also direct attach it in email.

Other resource about Google Chrome Extensions

  1. Google Chrome extensions and plug-ins
  2. Google Chrome Extension: Digg This
  3. Google Chrome SEO Toolbar Extension: PageRank Status
  4. Google Chrome extension tutorial for developers
  5. Chromium Developer Documentation: Extersions
  6. W3Schools: XML Tutorial
  7. W3.ORG: Extensible Markup Language (XML)

#1  posted on December 02, 2009 11:13 PST
Its doesnt work with

#2  posted on December 07, 2009 06:12 PST
I get "extensions not enabled" error even when chrome.exe is run with --enable-extensions

#3  posted on January 25, 2010 02:40 PST
Just install this extension.
Realy good -- enough fast with big files.

But huge problem with russian symbols.

#4  posted on February 25, 2010 15:03 PST
Should I install this? Is it better than just doing a "View page source" on the xml page?

#5  posted on February 26, 2010 10:30 PST
I could be wrong, but doesn't appear to work over HTTPS. I'm trying to access a password-protected file over HTTPS and it either doesn't show anything, or it just shows the plain text all joined together.

It's gettin' there though. I'm surprised Google didn't build this in.

#6  posted on July 21, 2010 01:29 PDT
its really waste of trying all these options in 5.0.375.99 version of chrome

#7  posted on July 21, 2010 01:30 PDT
its really waste of trying all these options in 5.0.375.99 version of chrome

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