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Google Chrome extension: everymark - everything search on bookmarks

December 15, 2009 21:26 PST

Posted by Andrew.

Ofer Affias sent me a Google Chrome extension named everymark that developed by him. when clicking the icon, a nice popup will appear, populated with a list of all your bookmarks and their links, whenever you start typing search terms the list will shrink to contain only the relevant bookmarks.

Google Chrome Extension: everymark - everything search on bookmarksThis extension allows to instantly bookmark every page which interests you (no need to find which folder suites best, just bookmark it), while retrieving the page afterwards becomes a breeze - just search the keywords, and open it.

Download and Install everymark extension

Screenshot: everymark extension

Screenshot of everymark extension

Screenshot: everymark extension

Other resource for Google Chrome extensions

#1  posted on December 17, 2009 02:25 PST
Great! thanks a lot

#2  posted on February 27, 2010 05:41 PST
This works pretty good, although I did get some irrelevant bookmarks

#3  posted on September 29, 2012 23:05 PDT
It is very fast

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