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Help translate Attachment Icons for Gmail™ and Google Apps™ into your language

March 13, 2012 03:31 PDT

I developed a free Google Chrome extension called Attachment Icons for Gmail™ and Google Apps™, it replaces the default paper clip icon and then adds different icons for different email attachments in Gmail™ and Google Apps™.

Attachment Icons for Gmail™ and Google Apps™ supports multi-language, it can be easily localized. Could you like to help make it available to more users by translating it into your favorite language?

Attachment Icons for Gmail™ and Google Apps™ simply saves the language package as a TEXT file, this is a very tiny file(less than 50 lines), you can edit it with any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, Notepad++ etc. In order to translate MD5 Hash Calculator into your language, please simply follow the steps below:

  1. Download, and then unpack it.
  2. Edit en.php and en-global.php with a text editor.
  3. Save the files with UTF-8 format.
  4. Once the translation is done, please send the files to My email address and I will make it available for everybody ASAP.

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