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Open SEO Stats 10.0 Released

June 30, 2019 21:28 PDT

The Chrome SEO extension - Open SEO Stats(Formerly: PageRank Status) has been updated to version 10.0.

This is a major update:

  1. Support for 360,, Sogou and Yandex new search results of pages indexed. These search engines changed the output formats of search results recently.
  2. Support for Archive first cached time. changed the cache data formats recently.
  3. Remove Google+ social stats from Site Info page. Google+ was shut down on April 2, 2019.
  4. Improve the checking speed for Chrome verion 75.
  5. Fix small bugs.

You can install or update Open SEO Stats in Chrome Web Store.

The screenshot of Open SEO Stats 10

The screenshot of Open SEO Stats 10

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