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Direct download of Google Chrome

January 29, 2009 17:24 PST

Posted by Andrew.

If you try to install Google Chrome behind a corporate firewall, the Google Chrome Installer may get stuck at the initializing step because it can't access the necessary components to download. There is an official standalone version of the Google Chrome installer (some may call it an offline or direct installer). If you're having trouble installing from, check out the link below to try this alternate installer:

From Google Help:

Can't install Google Chrome

An alternate version of the browser is available for download if you encounter problems using the standard installer for Google Chrome.

Alternate download for Google Chrome »

After you download the file, open it to complete your installation


#1  posted on February 11, 2009 00:58 PST
Awesome stuff. Thanks for this.

#2  posted on April 30, 2009 05:55 PDT
My firewall is blocking the above mentioned download links....

Please suggest some other alternate link for downloading Chrome...

#3  posted on August 12, 2009 13:05 PDT
It's STILL blocking it! A message keeps saying GoogleUpdate.exe is attempting to connect to a DNS server and I allow it, but it keeps popping up and it keeps me from downloading!!! HELP!
replied on August 14, 2009 20:20 PDT:
I suggest you disable the Firewall software temporarily

#4  posted on September 22, 2009 08:11 PDT
@Netrafter I recommend you download the stand alone version of Chrome from a personal PC on to a USB drive, then install it at work from the USB drive; that worked for me.

#5  posted on October 26, 2009 06:40 PDT
This link doesn´t work for me. And USB devices are locked too,
I´m still wondering when I´ll be able to use googlewave...

#6  posted on November 20, 2009 09:39 PST
Thank you so much for this link; it worked. I've been trying to get Chrome downnloaded at work for a while now because IE is having issues. Unfortunately, IE is standard in most offices.

#7  posted on November 23, 2009 00:19 PST
Experiencing issues with my IE for past one month or so. I was looking for an alternative and found your link. Thanks for your links. It worked..

#8  posted on June 01, 2010 01:05 PDT
Great idea to make an installer for those of us who have to work with pretty restrictive firewall. So many programs can't be installed offline anymore, it's a pain for those who don't have control on their network.

#9  posted on August 22, 2010 06:56 PDT
This does exactly the same thing as all the other "offline" installers. Don't you guys try these things before you put up messages like this that do nothing more than waste everyone's time?

#10  posted on October 08, 2010 04:01 PDT
This stupid installer still hangs on "initializing".

#11  posted on November 01, 2010 06:31 PDT
still hangs on initializing... nice job guys

#12  posted on November 04, 2010 00:53 PDT
What version of chrome is it

#13  posted on February 23, 2011 09:12 PST
We are behind a corporate firewall and even though the "Alternate download for Google Chrome" looks promising it fails. People need to realise that corporate firewalls are complicated and just having another link isnt going to punch a hole through. If it was that easy!!

#14  posted on March 01, 2011 05:01 PST
Actually there is a way. there is a component of google chrome that can be download which run without asking any permission. and suddenly its hard to find on the net. its the googlechromedev file. its inside google chrome directory. it can not be dedicted by any firewall. infact, you cant even see it running. few minutes, after running the file, you will see google chrome suddenly appears on the screen.

#15  posted on March 22, 2011 21:03 PDT
for best & fast surfing

#16  posted on December 31, 2011 13:54 PST
Thanks, worked like a charm!

#17  posted on January 07, 2012 08:38 PST
Link is not working

#18  posted on January 07, 2012 11:36 PST
Good to find an expret who knows what he's talking about!

#19  posted on December 07, 2012 06:31 PST
I cant download chrome here at Work, Does anyone know of a why to download?

#20  posted on May 31, 2013 07:29 PDT
If Chrome is open source then why do they, with all their fancy offices and meetings on red bicycles, have no clue how to construct and deliver a self-contained Windows installer .exe or .msi file?

This is forcing me to be a Firefox user, which may be just as well: I found that Chrome on my Android phone was a cycle-sucker and frequently jammed the phone. I guess Firefox is coming into it's own as the reliable easy to use working modern browser.

#21  posted on April 13, 2014 19:57 PDT
um nice dead links pal. cute how does nothing but spin and spin after i click ACCEPT AND INSTALL. maybe a direct exe link for once so i can install this browser? nvm then

#22  posted on August 23, 2015 21:20 PDT
Thank you!!!!!

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