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How to manage cookies data in Google Chrome

March 08, 2010 01:42 PST

Posted by Andrew.

What is cookie?

A cookie (also tracking cookie, browser cookie, and, HTTP cookie) is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser. A cookie consists of one or more name-value pairs containing bits of information. A cookie can be used for authentication, session tracking (state maintenance), storing site preferences, shopping cart contents, the identifier for a server-based session, or anything else that can be accomplished through storing textual data.

HTTP cookie, web cookie, browser cookie

A tracking cookie may potentially infringe upon the user's privacy but they can be easily removed. Most modern browsers allow users to decide whether to accept cookies, and the time frame to keep them, but rejecting cookies makes some websites unusable. To protect your privacy security and manage your cookies data in Google Chrome, please do following steps.

How to manage cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Launch Google Chrome, click the Tools menu, then select Options.
  2. Click the Under the Hood tab, then click Content settings button.
  3. Click Cookies tab, as it is shown in below screenshot:
  4. Screenshot: manage cookies in Google Chrome

    Screenshot 1: Google Chrome cookie manager - [Screenshot by ACA Capture Pro]

  5. Select one of the following:
    • Allow local data to be set - This option is selected by default. It lets first-party and third-party websites set and receive cookies on webpages you visit.
    • Ask me when a site tries to set data
    • Block sites form setting any data - Prevent all first-party and third-party cookies from being set. This will prevent most sites that require you to sign in from working.
  6. To view or delete a cookie data, click Show Cookie and other site data button
  7. Screenshot: View or delete cookie in Google Chrome

    Screenshot 2: View or delete cookie in Google Chrome

Other resources

#1  posted on March 06, 2010 14:23 PST
Thank you . Maybe this is why my computer is slow.

#2  posted on October 04, 2010 08:04 PDT
The Vanilla extension makes it possible to manage your cookies with a whitelist:

#3  posted on April 06, 2011 13:21 PDT
I'm afraid this article could do with an update. There isn't any "cookies" tab or heading under the latest "under the hood" for chrome.

Under the current version (10.0.648.204):
Under the hood > (Privacy) Content settings > (Cookies) > All cookies and site data

#4  posted on January 09, 2012 20:33 PST
At last! Soemtihng clear I can understand. Thanks!

#5  posted on October 01, 2012 17:14 PDT
OBSOLETE. No longer an option to be asked when a site tries to set data.

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