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Protect your privacy and remove the unique ID of Google Chrome from your computer

November 08, 2009 00:10 PST

Posted by Andrew.

Regarding to Google, "Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier". Unfortunately, Google Chrome is using a client_id variable which is unique for every Chrome user, and which can be used to create exact user profiles of a user's actions while using Google Chrome. More information about Chrome unique ID, there is an article from Google official document: General privacy: Privacy, unique IDs, and RLZ.

To protect your privacy and remove the unique ID of Google Chrome from your computer, there is a FREE tool that developed by - Chrome Privacy Protector, it automatically deletes the unique Client ID before each run of Google Chrome.

Guidelines: Remove the unique ID of Google Chrome from your computer

  1. Download Chrome Privacy Protector from AQLSoft, and then install it.
  2. Close all Google Chrome windows that it is currently launched.
  3. Launch Chrome Privacy Protector, and then click the "Remove unique ID now" button to anonymize your Google Chrome.

The screenshots of Chrome Privacy Protector

Screenshot: before deleting Google Chrome unique ID

Screenshot of Chrome Privacy Proector: before deleting Google Chrome unique ID

Screenshot: after deleting Google Chrome unique ID

Screenshot of Chrome Privacy Proector: after deleting Google Chrome unique ID

Other resource about Google Chrome and Security

#1  posted on March 10, 2010 05:58 PST
How do we know for sure "Chrome Privacy Proector" actually works??? Is there any test we can to to verify?

#2  posted on March 10, 2010 09:05 PST
Same above, wondering how can we check that the unique ID is removed?

#3  posted on April 14, 2015 22:54 PDT
These tools are unneeded and based on behavior in old versions of Google Chrome. Read and Google dropped the install ID. This article needs updating so not to mislead users that find it in an online search. It's a pity authors don't review or retract their outdated articles.

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