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Simply memory test: Google Chrome Vs. Firefox Vs. Internet Explorer

March 16, 2009 18:24 PDT

Posted by Andrew.

I am a VC++ developer so I am more concerned about the application"s memory and resource problem. I just made a simply test for Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, the result shows some interesting data.

Testing Environment

OS: Windows Vista Enterprise

Memory: 4 GB

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox 3.0, Internet Explorer 7.0

The testing report

  1. I started Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, they didn't open any web pages at that time. The GDI object and number and memory size of the browsers:

    BrowserGDI Object   Memory (KB)  
    Firefox 68
    Google Chrome 78
    Internet Explorer 342
  2. I open 45 same web pages in each browser, when all documents are completely loaded and initialized:
  3. BrowserGDI Object   Memory (KB)  
    Firefox 680
    Google Chrome 212
    Internet Explorer 2155
  4. Then I closed all documents and keep each browser is idle:
  5. BrowserGDI Object   Memory (KB)  
    Firefox 319
    Google Chrome 75
    Internet Explorer 642

#1  posted on March 21, 2009 08:48 PDT
Hello... I just wanna say that G.Chrome is the best browser I ever seen before. Is so fast!Thanks.

#2  posted on April 17, 2009 15:14 PDT
Thanks to google for this great browser.

#3  posted on April 17, 2009 15:15 PDT
Thanks to google for this great browser.

#4  posted on May 14, 2009 03:16 PDT
Thanks to google for this great browser.
(I really really mean it!)

#5  posted on May 22, 2009 07:31 PDT
I have a very different figure for Firefox. It seems certain people I know have this problem but not the majority.

Currently Firefox is consuming 552,932K of memory. With the exact same windows open my friends report it having around 128,000K... Their's goes up to 140,000K tops and mine peaks at 856,000K... Simply way to big! Almost a gig of memory!

I submit bug reports and so do my friends... This has been happening since 1.0... Here we are at 3.x and still nothing...

#6  posted on September 09, 2009 02:51 PDT
sorry no english speaking.

will say only that goole chrome my choice first.. we all love google chrome in nagaland.. in my languate -->
google chrome ki maa ki choot .. bhenchood nain explored chaud diya bina lund peay.. bill gate chood gaya google says..

thanks you
i appreacite efforts.

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